A coast to coast path - Rambling Pete's Way 2010

Flora and Fauna


I acquired a new camera earlier this year and am still coming to terms with all the whistles and bells, including macro settings. But I saw some nice things along the way, and a bit of interest every day. Your biggest challenge is to spot the Wren in the woodpile, the Woodpecker on a post and a Treecreeper in a tree.


don't know but they were very colourful


Broom not gorse


very nosy sheep in Northumberland


Spot the wren


this lot rounded me up


a Skylark nest


an Adder ready to snap the snapper


looks like a muppet though


lots of beauty in the meadows and hedgerows


plenty of Orchids around as well


another one more purple


I should know but I don't


the foliage is covered by a silky web - to protect  some sort of caterpillar I think


spot the woodpecker


beautiful colours on the cranesbill


plenty of wild roses around


and a few wild cats


a Curlew chasing a barn owl


a curlew chasing me


because of this clutch


alright cock


looking for food


Hogweed and flag iris


Ha - I beat you lot over the gate


worse haircut than I've got


bad tempered chicks


spot the treecreeper


a shy butterfly






a plain old seagull


I lost focus here


dwarf scabious or is it?

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