Welcome to my journal

I hope you enjoy some of my walks and if you have any comments or questions about these webpages, please visit my blog where you can leave a message at the welcome post: My Blog is here

My Journal is hosted by the fine website  walkingplaces.co.uk - famous for it's coast to coast coverage

About Walking

Almost everyone can do it, some quicker than others. You don’t have to be A1 fit to do a long walk, but it helps if you are a regular walker. Just read the accounts of how many people complete the C2C and you’ll see the whole spectrum of ages, and preparation etc. I do enjoy getting out and about, and find it so relaxing.

I’m a great believer of looking around and observing things when out on a walk, not head down to make progress. So I tend to ramble along and take a little longer than some would when out and about. Take your own time and enjoy the experience. An average speed would be around 2.5 mph, you speed up if its raining hard, and going up a steep hill would slow you down to around 1.5 mph.

The fastest you will romp would be around 4 mph. A word of warning for you – if you feel unsure about walking up some of the more difficult routes don’t go so far that you cannot turn around to retrace your route. Also if you are frightened of heights then don’t go up steep ridges! Just use your commonsense and enjoy yourself.

About Preparation

Read through the diaries and journals and you will get a good idea of the minimum gear to take. If you’re not prepared then you’re in trouble eventually. My biggest tip is to find a pair of good socks and keep your feet dry. Look after your boots – they are your best friend when they stay waterproof, but will hurt your feet when they become waterlogged.

You might lose a bit of weight when you’re walking, but you won’t lose much. Your body adjusts; your legs will take on the consistency of concrete. So don’t kid yourself you can have five Mars Bars a day, it won’t help. Make sure you can read a map, you’ll do less mileage by not having to retrace your steps – I know I’ve done it plenty of times. One last tip is before you set off have a good drink of water, you will feel better for it and will have to carry a little less with you.

About Me

I have worked offshore on the Oil and Gas rigs for the past 30 years, which has given me the chance to travel all around the world. I’ve visited some wonderful places, but there’s no place like home for a good tramp around the Countryside.

I studied Geology at University, along with Physical Geography, with some Botany and Zoology thrown in – they liked to confuse us back in the seventies. But that background always allows me to indulge in a spot of fossil hunting or search for some minerals wherever I wander. I’ve stopped collecting everything I see as I get older, because when I get home from a walk I usually throw everything away and it becomes a chore lugging a pack of rocks around. But if I see a good piece it stays with me.

I have been walking as a pastime for many years now, but this has been interrupted by DIY for the past 10 years. So in 2007 I have decided to put my best foot forward again (My left) and walk a bit more regularly. So over the years I will try and record a walk when I can to share with whoever tunes in to this site.

About the walks

I intend to complete as many of the National Trails as I can over the coming years, and maybe walk a few of my own. I know I’m hooked on LDP’s now and the feeling of finishing the trails is fantastic. I live South of Manchester and am well served by the motorway network. I can be in all sorts of different places within an hour or two so I’m quite lucky in getting reasonable weather, and staying dry. I’m lucky to have the Lake District, Wales and the Peak District all within easy reach, not to mention the Yorkshire Dales, Pennines, Bowland Fells, Welsh borders.

About Time

Make time, look at the weather forecasts, there is always somewhere you can go to keep dry. I always check the weather forecast the evening before and can adjust my plans accordingly. I am very fortunate in having lots of free time, so from the year this microsite was started (November 2007) onwards I plan to complete a long distance path every year until I crumble away in the future at some point.

And now I’m up and running, I’ll be walking more…..I hope you enjoy the diary as much as I enjoy the walks.

About a Disclaimer

Don’t blame me, you were the one walking!