Welcome to my journal
I hope you enjoy some of my walks and if you have any comments or questions about these webpages, please visit my blog where you can leave a message at the welcome post: My Blog is here
My Journal is hosted by the fine website walkingplaces.co.uk - famous for it's coast to coast coverage
About Walking
Almost everyone can do it, some quicker than others. You don’t have to be A1 fit to do a long walk, but it helps if you are a regular walker. Just read the accounts of how many people complete the C2C and you’ll see the whole spectrum of ages, and preparation etc. I do enjoy getting out and about, and find it so relaxing.
I’m a great believer of looking around and observing things when out on a walk, not head down to make progress. So I tend to ramble along and take a little longer than some would when out and about. Take your own time and enjoy the experience. An average speed would be around 2.5 mph, you speed up if its raining hard, and going up a steep hill would slow you down to around 1.5 mph.
The fastest you will romp would be around 4 mph. A word of warning for you – if you feel unsure about walking up some of the more difficult routes don’t go so far that you cannot turn around to retrace your route. Also if you are frightened of heights then don’t go up steep ridges! Just use your commonsense and enjoy yourself.